Grade 5 | Teacher's Guide

Grade 5 | Teacher's Guide

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The Steps to Perfection 5th grade curriculum strives to build upon the development of a strong Islamic foundation, which began from the kindergarten book. The ʿAqāʾid section entails a review of the Uṣūl ad-Dīn (Roots of Religion), and then delves deeper into each of these principles. In this grade, students learn more about tawhīd and its different levels and applications, as well as the different types of Allah’s attributes. The Fiqh unit consists of relevant topics, with integrated activities, to make the concepts more interactive, tangible, and practical for students. The History section focuses on analyzing the life of our Noble Prophet (ṣ) through an in-depth look at the first half of his life before the ḥijrah. In this section, students will learn about the beginning and spread of Islam in the early years. The Akhlāq section has been made aesthetically-pleasing through colorful illustrations, aḥādīth, and āyāt from the Qurʾān that delve into topics related to dealing with society and others, such as mocking, gossiping, and jealousy.

The teacher’s guides for each lesson include vocabulary with definitions, talking points, suggestive learning aids, and worksheet placements.