2020 International Writing Competition

Salāmun ʿalaykum! 

On behalf of Moulana Abidi, we extend our condolences on the days of mourning for Abā ʿAbdillāh al-Ḥusayn (ʿa). In honor of this momentous occasion, Kisa Kids is pleased to announce our annual 2020 International Writing Competition.

Being at home this year has had its ups and downs. How did Imām Ḥusayn (ʿa) and Sayyidah Zaynab (ʿa) respond to the ups and downs that they faced? Sayyidah Zaynab (ʿa) famously uttered the words “I have seen nothing but beauty!” in the courtyard of Yazīd after the battle of Karbala. How have you gained strength through your connection with Imām Ḥusayn (ʿa) and Sayyidah Zaynab (ʿa) during this uncertain time in the world?

Short Story Topic:

Muḥarram in quarantine—the lessons I have learned from Karbala and the strength I have gained from Imām Ḥusayn (ʿa) and Sayyidah Zaynab (ʿa) to be positive and productive in challenging times.

How to Enter:

1. Complete this questionnaire about Muḥarram traditions in your family and culture

2. Submit the entry form below

Who Can Participate?

Anyone from Kindergarten to Adults! Participants will be judged according to their age groups, which are as follows:

  • Ages 10 and under
  • Ages 11-13
  • Ages 14-17
  • Ages 18+


  • To qualify, both parts of the competition (the interview and short story) should be submitted.
  • Your story should be original. Needless to say, but we’ll say it anyway: no plagiarism!
  • Remember to be respectful and keep your story within the values of Islam, so refrain from using musical references, bad language, etc.
  • Your story should:
    • Reflect Islamic values and pride of being a Muslim
    • Highlight creative ways of transforming negatives into positives
    • Show a connection to Karbala
  • Your story must be within range of 500-1000 of words (To find this, highlight your story, go to Tools → Word Count):

Scoring Rubric:

  • Muḥarram Traditions Questionnaire - 30%
  • Creativity and Content - 40%
  • Grammar, Spelling, & Mechanics - 20%
  • Story Length - 10%


Winners will be chosen in each age category and awarded the following prizes:

  • 1st Prize - $300 Kisa Kids gift card
  • 2nd Prize - $200 Kisa Kids gift card
  • 3rd Prize - $100 Kisa Kids gift card


Your short story must be sent in by October 12, 2020. Winners will be announced on November 3rd, the wilādah of Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) and Imām aṣ-Ṣādiq (ʿa)!

We can’t wait to read your story!

Enter Below: