In Middle School art lessons, students are introduced to slightly advanced techniques like traditional Islamic drawing, various shading techniques, color theory and other media. This is in addition to the Roots of Risers character building themes, social-emotional learning, spiritual development and developing an understanding of Islamic cultural heritage.


Wilāyah“He created man from clay like [that of] pottery.” Noble Qurʾān 55:14“Value of each man depends upon the art and skill which he has attained.” Imām ʿAlī (ʿa), Nahj al-BalāghahLeaf bowl/vase with textureCERAMICSClay, leaves
Trust“Guide us on the straight path” Noble Qurʾān 1:6One point perspectiveTECHNICAL DRAWINGPencils, pens, ruler, choice of coloring supplies
Patience“Wherewith Allah guides all those who seek His Good Pleasure to ways of peace, and He brings them out of darkness by His Will unto light and guides them to the straight Way” Noble Qurʾān 5:16Optical illusionLINEAR DRAWINGDrawing pens, markers
Respect“And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge” Noble Qurʾān 30:22TessellationTRADITIONAL DRAWINGPapers and coloring supplies
Justice“Yet to Allah belong the treasuries of the heavens and the earth” Noble Qurʾān 63:7 (part of ayah)Hatching, cross hatching, paintingLIFE DRAWING WITH SHADINGMixed Media
Gratitude“With Him are the treasures of the Unseen; no one knows them except Him. He knows whatever there is in land and sea. No leaf falls without His knowing it, nor is there a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything fresh or withered but it is in a manifest Book” Noble Qurʾān 6:59“He is the One Who sends to His servant manifest signs that He may lead you from the depths of Darkness into the Light and verily Allah is to you most kind and Merciful.” Noble Qurʾān 57:9MonochromeCOLOR THEORYTempera/ poster paints on paper
Mercy“Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the sky and then in the morning the earth is covered in green? Allah is All-Subtle, All-Aware.” Noble Qurʾān 22:63Warm & coolCOLOR THEORYWatercolor paints and drawing pens on paper


Here’s a brief outline of the lesson structure. Please refer to the section in the main curriculum about the Studio Thinking Framework by Project Zero for more information.

THEMEThis section mentions the name of the specific Root of Risers, on which the art lesson is based.Students
INSPIRATIONThis section contains the Qur’anic verse, hadith or other spiritual content which inspires the creation of the art project. It is a literary branch of the main Roots of Risers theme.Students
ART PROJECTThis section shows the name of the art project as well as a sample image of the project.Students
OBJECTIVESThere are usually three kinds of objectives we aim to achieve through teaching the art project - a spiritual objective, a technique/skill based objective and an art concept based objective.Students
OVERVIEW & DISCUSSIONThis section elaborates on the inspiration verse. It discusses the spiritual dimension of the art project. It also discusses the art skills, techniques and ideas that will be introduced to students in the art project.Students
PROJECT PREPARATIONThis section has three main components.It has a list of art materials needed for the project. It also has a ‘Background Prep’ section, with information on what the teacher needs to do before the lesson begins. It has an estimate of the time needed to work on each project.Teacher and/or Students. Online students may need to see this slide.
TIMEFRAMEThis section breaks down the time needed to work on the project. The teacher can use this as a recommended guideline, since each art class is different and has students with different skill levels. Teacher
MODIFICATIONSThis section has suggestions for project modifications and adaptations for the benefit of all types of learners in the classroom.Teacher
CREATION PROCESSThis section shows the step by step process of project creation. It has sample images to guide students, as well as tips on modifications. Students should always be given a choice to add or subtract ideas in the creation process, and be encouraged to personalize their artwork to reflect their own ideas.Students
PRESENTATION & PEER REVIEWThis section is about students displaying and presenting their work. It also encourages students to provide positive and valuable feedback to their peers.Students
LESSON SPECIFICSThis section mentions the National Core Arts Standards implemented in the lesson plan. It also lists the cross curricular connection between different subjects.Teacher
HOLISTIC ASSESSMENTThis section has a guide to help assess each student holistically. It has pointers for formative assessments. Teachers may also use other types of assessments to grade students. Please refer to the ‘Sample Assessments’ section in the main curriculum.Teacher
INSPIRATION IMAGESThis section has a larger view of the images that were used as visual inspiration for the art project.Students